Newsroom Policies and Ethical Guidelines
The National Trust for Local News believes that community news is key to thriving societies, economies, and democracies. We seek to inform and engage the communities we serve with accurate, timely and independent news and information.
Trust is an essential component of our work. You must be able to trust that the information you read and see is balanced, factual, unbiased and free of conflicts of interest. We must earn and keep your trust.
Transparency is an essential ingredient to trust. It’s important that we tell you about our newsgathering practices, our policies and values, and how we approach important coverage areas like public safety and how we approach emerging technologies like AI.
That’s why we’re publicly publishing the National Trust for Local News’ Newsroom Policies and Ethical Guidelines. In drafting this handbook, we reviewed the policies of other news organizations around the country, consulted with news industry trade associations and talked to experts in the field.
The following series of policies apply to all newsrooms and journalists employed by the state subsidiaries of the National Trust for Local News –– whether full-time, part-time, freelance or contract. Separate business policies apply to all employees of the National Trust for Local News.
I. Newsroom ethics and transparency
The National Trust for Local News operates its news organizations with the highest ethical standards and level of transparency, to earn –– and keep –– the trust of our communities.
It’s imperative that all members of our news organizations, and especially our journalists, adhere to specific policies that keep us free of conflicts, ensure we are fair and balanced and allow members of the community to understand our processes. To develop these policies, we consulted other journalistic organizations, relied upon the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics and sought advice from experts.
Our pledge to you: All journalists employed by and associated with the National Trust for Local News will seek the truth earnestly and with integrity, exercise independence and compassion and be accountable to their communities.
A. Principles of ethical journalism:
Seek the truth and report it.
Take responsibility for the accuracy of your work. Verify information.
Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.
Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.
Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.
Identify sources as clearly and transparently as possible.
Diligently seek out the subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.
Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information.
Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.
Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.
Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information.
Never plagiarize. Always attribute.
Minimize harm
Balance the public’s need for information while being mindful of the impact of your work. Don’t be cavalier about the harm or discomfort it can cause.
Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast.
Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention.
Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know.
Consider the long-term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication.
Be accountable and transparent
Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences.
Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.
Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly.
Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within your organizations.
Abide by the same high standards we expect of others.
Ensure fairness and objectivity
Leave your personal views and opinions out of news articles and let the facts guide you.
Seek out, listen to and quote representative voices.
Be transparent about sources’ personal or professional lives that may influence their views.
Do not mislead readers or consider coverage fair if the story addresses persons or organizations that have not been given the opportunity to speak and address assertions made by others, when possible.
Be honest and straightforward with all sources.
Exercise special care when interviewing and photographing subjects and sources who are considered “vulnerable,” such as the elderly, those with disabilities, mental illness, victims of crime, witnesses to crimes, children and minors, and those for whom English is not their primary language. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.
Do not wear disguises, make up fake names or mislead people for information. When reporting stories, identify yourself in all instances.
B. Newsroom Independence and conflicts of interest
Each of our newsrooms retains full authority over its daily editorial choices in serving and protecting the interest of the communities we serve and respecting the longstanding ethical principles of our industry. We will be free of influence from advertisers, funders, sources and any others who seek to influence the news.
Newsroom Independence:
Independence from sources: We rely on sources for information, but do not give favoritism to our sources. We don’t engage in deals that, in exchange for information or access, allow for agreements on how we write a story. We don’t agree to pre-conditions for an interview or for access without noting those conditions in our stories.
Pre-publication review: We don’t allow people to read stories or review multimedia in advance or to amend their quotes, select or reject photos or to edit stories prior to publication. Journalists are encouraged to fact-check their reporting, including double-checking quotes and information with sources before publication, but will not allow them to influence the final product.
Trading on influence: Our journalists must never trade on their influence for their personal benefit or allow any appearance of their doing so. We also must be careful about accepting benefits that are not available to the general public, except for purposes that advance the journalism we do on the public’s behalf.
Paying for information: We do not pay sources for information or for interviews, and we do not pay subjects to shoot photos or videos of them.
Newsroom conflicts of interest:
Personal/professional conflicts: Any outside business and professional ties, as well as those of family members or other members of your household, should be disclosed to your supervisor. No one should report, photograph, edit or otherwise touch a story involving a family member or friend. Journalists are also not allowed to report on organizations where they volunteer or advocacy organizations to which they belong. This does not apply to general religious or other broad affiliations.
Financial conflicts: You cannot report on businesses in which you or your immediate family members hold a financial interest, including employment. You must never use pre-publication information gained in reporting a story to make a profit or limit a loss in an investment.
Outside work: Any outside work should be disclosed to supervisors to prevent conflicts of interest – and perceptions of conflicts of interest – from seeping into coverage. Many outside activities and jobs are incompatible with our work as journalists. Connections with government and advocacy groups are among the most objectionable.
Newsroom political and outside activities:
Partisan causes and civic life: We will not engage in politics in a participatory or activist manner. We recognize that we must not compromise or appear to compromise our ability to report and edit fairly. Our journalists may participate in civic and cultural events that do not pose conflicts of interest. However, it is important to anticipate ahead of time what political or partisan issues or causes might emerge within a civic or cultural event to avoid ethical problems. We must let our supervisors know in advance of any civic and cultural organizations we engage with to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
Political office: Our journalists do not seek political office. If you are aware that a relative or household member is seeking political office, it should be disclosed to your supervisor.
Political affiliation: We recommend that journalists register as unaffiliated, no party or independent as allowable by state. We should be aware that registering with a political party may create a public record of partisan political involvement.
Contributions: Our journalists do not contribute to political campaigns or ballot measures.
Individual endorsements: No individual journalists shall make endorsements or take positions on issues, with the exception of columnists and opinion writers, whose work is labeled as such.
Petitions: We do not sign nomination papers or petitions that express partisan preferences or specific policy recommendations.
Signage: We do not ourselves place campaign bumper stickers on our cars or campaign signs in front of our houses. We recognize that a bumper sticker on the family car or a campaign sign on the lawn may be misread as ours, no matter who in the household actually placed the sticker or the sign.
Volunteer work: We do not volunteer for political causes.
Newsroom freebies:
Gifts: Employees may not solicit gifts at any time. If offered, employees may not accept gifts of any value, especially if from a news source or an individual working within government, government-funded organizations, those holding an elected position, or running for a political office. Special care must be taken to avoid the impression that a gift from potential and actual customers, vendors, or competitors is intended to win preferential treatment or for personal gain. Under no circumstances is an employee permitted to accept a cash gift. We accept no free trips. We do not accept discounts not available to the general public.
Event coverage: Tickets and free admission to events that are not free to the public must be examined with great care. Employees may accept such tickets if the event is sponsored by your organization. However, other types of admission should only be used to facilitate official media coverage —such as access to a press box or media credentials.
Media credentials: You can only use media credentials to do your job and cannot use them to gain access to events you are not covering.
C. Considerations related to photography/images
Visual journalism must also adhere to the highest standards and has special considerations worth spelling out. We adhere to standards set forth by the National Press Photographers Association.
Be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of subjects.
Resist being manipulated by staged photo opportunities.
Be complete and provide context when photographing or recording subjects. Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups. Recognize and work to avoid presenting one’s own biases in the work.
Treat all subjects with respect and dignity. Give special consideration to vulnerable subjects and compassion to victims of crime or tragedy.
Photos and videos can be cropped, toned and otherwise edited in keeping with common journalistic standards. But photos and videos cannot be altered, added to or subtracted from in ways that create a scene that didn’t occur in real life.
Take care when cropping or framing images not to ignore important context or give a false impression of an event.
Photo illustrations and staged or posed images must be clearly labeled.
Do not manipulate images or add or alter video or audio in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.
Do not use photos without permission from social media or other websites; verify who owns the copyright when seeking permission. An image showing a social media feed or page in broader context is permissible, but taking an image from social media is not.
D. Considerations on opinion content
Elevating the voices of our communities and our institutional voice are an important part of our mission. However, we must take extra care in presenting opinion content.
We will label all opinion content to differentiate it from news content, and when possible will use different colors, styles and/or fonts to ensure it is clearly identified as opinion content. If we use words like “editorial” or “perspective,” we should educate readers on those terms so it is clear what they mean.
We will not publish anonymous opinion pieces. An exceptionally rare circumstance may arise that warrants deviating from this policy, but it would require top editorial approval.
Opinion pieces must adhere to the same journalistic principles as news content –– we will not publish articles that defame individuals or organizations, violate personal privacy, incite hate or encourage harassment of any kind.
Opinion pieces reflect the views of their authors only.
II. Nonprofit news organization policy
The National Trust for Local News is a nonprofit 501(c)3 that abides by laws governing nonprofits, including a pledge not to be involved in politics and political advocacy.
As such, the organization will not issue individual candidate endorsements or otherwise engage in political campaign activities from the institutional level. The organization will, however, provide and encourage a diverse and balanced set of ideological viewpoints, as warranted, and accept political advertising on a nonpartisan basis.
A. Endorsements
The organization will make no endorsements of candidates in any races, nor will we offer perceived support of any candidates. The organization can, however, publish editorials that discuss and analyze the policies of candidates or office holders.
The organization also can take positions as warranted on ballot and referendum proposals. This should be done judiciously and with a significant amount of forethought on the importance of taking a position on any issue. Additionally, if a ballot issue or referendum is associated with a particular candidate and favoring or opposing that issue could be perceived as favoring or opposing the candidate, it must be avoided.
The organization may accept letters to the editor and opinion pieces in which the individual author discusses a candidate or their positions. The organization should always be clear that these reflect only the individual author’s opinion. The organization also should work to ensure balance in publishing letters relating to candidates and their positions so no bias or perceived bias toward a particular candidate exists or can be inferred or perceived.
An individual columnist or opinion journalist writing for the opinion section can take a position on candidates or issues, but it must be clear those opinions reflect only that individual and not the organization. The organization also should work to ensure balance in publishing opinion pieces so no bias or perceived bias toward a particular candidate exists or can be inferred or perceived.
B. Lobbying
The organization will not be actively engaged in lobbying efforts.
The organization may be involved in broader trade associations, such as the state press association, that engage in lobbying.
In the event that the organization makes an exception to (a), any lobbying expenditures must be tracked and cannot exceed applicable IRS limitations.
C. Political campaigning
No members of the organization, especially in the newsroom, can engage in political campaigning on behalf of the organization.
No organizational resources, including equipment and staff time, may be used for political campaigning.
III. Newsroom social media policy
Our journalists are encouraged to maintain social media accounts, but those accounts must maintain the same ethical standards as the rest of our journalism, regardless of whether the journalist identifies himself or herself as a member of our organization.
Social media can be an integral way for reporters to gather story ideas, become aware of new people, further civic conversations and better understand the communities they cover. No social media policy can capture every situation that may arise, especially as platforms continue to evolve. However, journalists are held to a high standard and must be cognizant of that at all times.
A. Public vs. private activity
Posting to social media is a public activity. Even forums that are labeled private or deemed private may be viewed by members of the public. Therefore, whatever we write in these forums should be considered public.
Do not post employment-related materials or conversations that are intended to be private, unless you have permission.
Never post materials, photos, or documents that would place others — especially news sources — in compromising or dangerous situations. This would include items that disclose personal data such as addresses, emails, or the locations of vulnerable persons.
B. Sharing opinions
Sharing opinions that reveal a personal bias should be avoided. Social media remarks viewed as biased could be used by an individual, organization, group, or business in a court of law against us to demonstrate a predisposition or malicious intent, even for an unrelated story.​
We refrain from displaying political opinions on social media platforms.
Posting photos, memes and opinions about our company, colleagues, competitors or others in the community can compromise our mission to be fair and transparent in our local newsgathering.
We also must avoid posting anything that would call into question the organization’s reputation as a trusted source of fact-finding news and information.
C. Identifying ourselves as journalists
Developing a public personality online is encouraged, but we do not require that our journalists identify themselves as working for our organization on social media accounts. However, the same principles apply regardless of whether they do.
Employees should never represent themselves as an official spokesperson on behalf of the company, unless authorized to do so.
It is unethical to use an anonymous identity on social media sites or blogs to post opinions that may undermine covering the news.
D. Attribution and corrections
We will always respect copyright and the intellectual property of others. (text, photos, video, illustrations).
We will attribute sources and include links to the original material if appropriate.
If we make a mistake, we will acknowledge it and correct it as soon as possible.
E. Other considerations
We will not engage in or make posts that are offensive or discriminatory or violate the terms of use for the social media platform.
We will never use social media to harass others, including employees, elected officials, vendors or others — for any reason.
We encourage our journalists to engage in online conversations but to do so respectfully. We will not bait others, instigate online fights, or fan the flames of online disagreements.
IV. Anonymous source policy
We do not permit the use of anonymous sources, except in narrow circumstances in which we could not report a story of significance otherwise and/or the source would face significant retribution or safety concerns if their name was public.
Anonymous sources can damage the credibility of our organization by removing a layer of transparency and therefore must be avoided in all but the rarest cases. We adhere to guidance set forth by the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics when considering the use of and protecting anonymous sources. Any decisions on anonymous sources should involve the top editor at the organization.
​A. Identify sources whenever feasible
The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources' reliability.
We will use every possible avenue to confirm and attribute information before relying on unnamed sources. If the only way to publish a story that is of importance to the audience is to use anonymous sources, we owe it to readers to identify the anonymous source as clearly as possible without naming them.
We do not grant government spokespeople anonymity when they are providing an official comment.
B. When granting anonymity, be transparent about the reasons
Any time an anonymous source is used, the journalist reporting the story must know the true name of the source and how to contact them. The journalist must provide that information to an editor.
When presenting information from an anonymous source, we should include a reason why the source needs their name withheld. Greater value is placed on requests for anonymity from whistleblowers, people who are victims of crimes or trauma, and people who would be in danger if their names were used.
C. Question sources’ motives before promising anonymity
Some people are willing to provide information only when it benefits them. Be sure the reason for anonymity is not to boost one’s own position by undermining someone else’s, to even the score with a rival, to attack an opponent or to push a personal agenda. Be clear with readers about possible motives if applicable.
We also must question whether the news value warrants whatever the source hopes to accomplish.
D. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information
We must make sure we and our source are talking about the same agreement. For example, we should clarify whether off-the-record means the information can never be used, can be used if another source confirms the information on the record or public records substantiate, or simply that the information can be used as long as the source’s name is not used.
Information without verification from multiple sources, even if they are all off the record, is a dangerous practice​
V. Newsroom AI policy
The National Trust for Local News believes that the mindful use of artificial intelligence can benefit our work and our processes. However, we also believe it is crucial to be transparent and to ensure accuracy and fairness, and to abide by our ethical standards. We will prioritize our journalism and the credibility of our newsrooms.
We are setting forth a framework for the responsible use of AI, understanding that the technology and therefore this policy are likely to evolve. Generative artificial intelligence is the use of large language models to create something new, such as text, images, graphics and interactive media.
A. Transparency
If we publish any content created by AI, we will tell our audience. This may be a short tagline, a caption or credit, or an editor’s note. When appropriate, we will include the prompts that fed into the model to generate the material.
When AI tools influence audience-facing content, we will tell the audience in ways that both disclose and educate news consumers.
B. Accuracy and human verification
Any output from a generative AI tool will be treated as unvetted source material. We must apply editorial judgment and sourcing standards when considering any information for publication. We will not publish or otherwise make public AI-generated content, including but not limited to text, images, or audio, without review and approval by an employee.
The newsroom must actively work to identify and mitigate any biases in AI algorithms used for reporting. We will continually assess AI systems to ensure fair and unbiased coverage.
Increasingly in all of our work, it is important to be explicit about how we know that facts are facts. This is particularly important when using AI.
We will exercise the same caution and skepticism we would normally, including trying to identify the source of the original content, doing a reverse image search to help verify an image’s origin, and checking for reports with similar content from trusted media.
If we have any doubt about the authenticity of the material, we will not use it.
C. Audience service and exploration
Our work in AI should be guided by what will be useful to our audience.
We will embrace exploration and experimentation.
D. Additional guidelines
Editorial content: We are open to experimentation with AI that assists with minor tasks and elevates the quality of our journalism. Any use of AI that would impact a significant portion of a journalist’s essential functions and results in published editorial content will be negotiated with applicable labor unions and disclosed to all newsroom employees.
Research: It's permissible to ask a publicly available large language model to research a topic. However, we’ll independently verify the facts. AI will not take the place of reporting, nor will it be used as a primary means of researching.
Multimedia: In accordance with our standards, we do not alter any elements of our photos, video or audio. Therefore, we do not allow the use of generative AI to add or subtract any elements, nor will we use stock images that do so.
Fact-checking: Use of AI alone is not sufficient for independent fact-checking. Facts will be checked against multiple authoritative sources.
Social media use: Use of verbatim generative AI content is not permitted on our social channels. It will be edited for accuracy and voice by a human.
Privacy and security: None of our intellectual property should be entered into a program, outside of what is outlined above. We urge staff to not put confidential or sensitive information into AI tools.
Impersonation: We will not use AI to impersonate employees.
VI. Newsroom crime coverage guidelines
We recognize that with our public safety coverage, it is essential that we report with context, detail and perspective, relying on data whenever possible. We also recognize that online publishing requires renewed consideration about the effects of our journalism. The speed, ease and relative permanence of online stories can have different consequences than the traditional print product, and we must be particularly thoughtful when it comes to crime reporting.
We are committed to ensuring that our coverage is fair, accurate and complete.
A. Incidents of public interest and public impact that affect public safety
We will provide proper context around crimes and make distinctions on the types of crime that affect our communities.
Whenever possible, we will verify details through reporting, not just use of press releases or social media posts.
We will report on crime and related trends that impact people and quality of life.
We will avoid approaches that sensationalize crime or show implicit bias.
We will tell the stories of people most affected by crime.
We will generally not name the victims of sexual assaults, domestic violence or crimes against children without permission.
We will examine response from the community, police and governmental leadership to major crimes, keeping an eye out for solutions.
B. Individuals accused of wrongdoing
We will avoid using suspects’ names in crime stories unless we plan to follow those cases to their conclusion and report on the outcome or other extenuating circumstances exist.
We will treat individuals accused of wrongdoing with the same fairness we would show anyone else as part of the practice of ethical journalism, including getting their side of the story when possible.
We will only include a suspect’s criminal history or background if it is relevant.
C. Considerations on the use of mugshots
We will not routinely use police mug shots to accompany stories and will internally discuss decisions on use of mug shots. Those instances when we may use them include cases where public safety is at risk, the suspect is prominent, the crime is a felony and of significance and/or the public value of publishing the mugshot outweighs the potential harm.
When we do use a mug shot, we should avoid publishing it as main art within the story or in top spots on websites or as a centerpiece on a print page.
When possible, we will seek alternatives to mug shots that add more context, such as courtroom photos or other photos depicting a suspect.
We will not publish mugshot galleries of photos with no context.
D. Focus crime coverage on trends and accountability
We will focus on stories that revisit and reshape public understanding of police/community relations or community needs.
We will point to solutions where present or possible.
We will deliver data-based insights into public safety trends.
VII. Corrections policy
We recognize our obligation to correct errors in the stories we publish and to answer legitimate criticism of our work by our readers and stakeholders. Our pledge is to address such concerns quickly, fairly and transparently.
We encourage readers to reach out if they notice any mistakes so they can be promptly resolved. Journalists must report any request for correction or clarification to a supervisor.
A. Corrections
When we’re wrong, we will accept responsibility.
We will clearly label corrections, alerting our audience that we made an error in fact.
All correction requests must include a conversation with the reporter and an editor to understand what is wrong, how the mistake occurred and what the correction is.
We will make sure the information in the proposed correction is accurate before inserting it into the article in lieu of the mistaken information.
B. Retractions
A retraction means we got more than just a minor fact wrong. It means we got major portions of the story wrong.
A retraction requires review by management, legal, and in some cases, a panel of independent journalism experts.
We will not unpublish a story except in the rarest of circumstances. If the story is deemed to not meet our standards or is so substantially wrong as to require removal, we will replace it with a detailed and transparent explanation.
VII. Takedown policy
We believe our past stories are part of the daily narrative of our communities and in almost all cases should remain online. However, we also recognize there may be rare and limited instances where circumstances justify taking down or removing an article.
We give careful consideration to each request, on a case-by-case basis. We will ask for proper documentation before making decisions. If a change or removal is made, we will note the story has been updated and indicate the date and time it was made and the nature of the change.
A. General guidance
Legally, we are not required to remove articles which were accurate at the time of publication.
Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis and does not set precedent for future decisions.
Our preferred method of dealing with these types of requests is an update to a story or an editor’s note reflecting subsequent, newsworthy facts.
The bar for removal is set purposefully high and reserved only for those instances that demonstrate facts or circumstances justifying removal.
B. Evaluating requests for removal
When we receive a request to remove an article from our website, we will gather the following information:
Name and contact information of the requesting party
Date of, headline and link to article to be considered
Detailed explanation of why the party wants the story removed
Any facts to be considered in evaluating the request
Any official documentation they may be able to provide to support their removal request
We generally do not take down articles where there is a conviction or a plea deal. In addition, we generally do not remove articles in cases that garner significant public attention or news coverage as they proceed through the justice system.
We also do not remove articles deemed embarrassing to the subject or ones in which someone gave us permission to publish and later wants to rescind that permission.
C. Mitigating factors to consider
In cases where we believe removal may be warranted, we should consider several criteria:
Misdemeanor cases that we no longer consider newsworthy.
Wrongful arrest or dismissal of the case or a not guilty verdict or acquittal.
Post-conviction relief, such as expungement.
Age of the person when an arrest was written about.
Certified court record indicated the requestor suffered from substance abuse or a mental health matter, which contributed to the arrest.
Police or prosecutorial misconduct.
Other factors that can be part of the decision-making include:
A significant amount of time has passed since a minor incident and the person has remained free of trouble.
The individual is having trouble obtaining a job or state trade license or is otherwise significantly impacted by the information being published.
D. Making the final decision
We will reach a conclusion in a timely manner.
If we decide not to take down an article, we will clearly explain the reasons why.
If we agree to remove the article, we will clearly explain the reasons why. None of the criteria above on its own deems removal; we will consider all of the details.
If the article came from a third party, we will notify the third party that we are removing the article.
We cannot direct partners such as or, which publish exact digital replicas of each newspaper, to take down an article, even if we remove it from our website.